Graduate School

B-Area: Damage model and designing method for fatigue resistant metal components considering their material state influenced by manufacturing processes

Contact: Kristina Buchhöcker

Motivation and Objective:
The fatigue behaviour of metallic components is predominantly influenced by the properties of the region close to the surface area. Properties of the material at this region depend on the manufacturing process and the respective parameters. Decisive characteristics are the residual stress state, topography and defects.

The objective of this project is to develop a designing method which is not based on material parameters alone but also accounts for the near-surface material characteristics due to the manufacturing process.

Research Conclusions
  • Characterization of near-surface regions of specimens manufactured by different processes
  • Fatigue tests on specimens with different near-surface characteristics
  • Evaluation of the correlation between the characteristics of the surface region and the fatigue behaviour
  • Development of a damage model
  • Deduction of a designing method