Graduate School

Thermomechanical modelling of the heat treatment of steels using the phase-field method

Contact:Ephraim Schoof, M.Sc.

Motivation and objectives:

The globally increasing pressure to reduce CO2 emissions results in a great demand for novel materials, not only for the automotive industry. Because of the good combination of the elongation at break and the tensile strength, dual-phase steel is an attractive alternative to the classical steel types. In order to have an influence on the subsequent behaviour during the production, a detailed knowledge of dominant factors is of vital importance. The subproject A17 focuses on the modelling of the heat treatment of dual-phase steels using the phase-field method. 

Methods Results 
  • Extension of the model of project A3 to dual-phase steel
  • Use of the results of the cold rolling simulation of project A16 as the starting point of the simulation
Martensitic transformation:
  • Use of the developed quantitative elasticity model of project A8 to simulate martensitic transformation
  • Comparison of the results with EBSD measurements of project A11 and A22
Martensitic transformation:
  • Development and implementation of a model to simulate martensitic transformation in polycrystals
  • Investigation of the microstructure development and the stress development for different process conditions
